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Trekking and Kayaking in Luang Prabang

I went on a one day “Fair Trek” Hiking and Kayaking tour with Tiger Trail in Luang Prabang. Trekking in Laos really is a great opportunity to explore the country in depth. We were dropped off by the tuk tuk near the location of the Elephant Village and first we took a short boat ride,

The River Resort…South Laos

The River Resort South Laos

Travel South Laos, the new River Resort will host you well.   Traveling Laos extensively over the last few years we have stayed in uncountable places, but this place truly IS outstanding. The River Resort in Champassak brings together the old ancient ruins of Wat Phou and a contemporary design Resort along the Mekong. Truly,

Ride for a good cause – Motorcycles in Laos

Laos motorbike adventure

Motorcycling in Laos, for a good cause!   Riding Laos on a motorcycling holiday last year was a real eye opener for me. The scenery is nothing short of stunning the trails are hidden and follow through rugged mountains forever. We were humbled by what we saw, the people, poor as they are, are warm

Veterinary Elephant Adventures

A Lao Elephant Adventure in HongSa Cast of Characters: betadine, gauze, hope, trust, a bicycle, a scalpel, a very deep hole, and an elephant. The rainy season has made lots of the roads in Northern Laos nearly impassible. Petra and Marlies could have taken a boat up the Mekong to Luang Prabang, but they wanted

Tamarind Cooking Class: an insight into Lao Cuisine

Last week we took the Tamarind cooking class in Luang Prabang, Laos. We started the Lao cooking day at 9am and we were whisked off to Phosy Market where Joy the chef taught us about what kind of herbs, vegetables and other Lao food you use in Lao cuisine. The stands sold a lot of

One Night in a Home Stay

Last week, I together with the Fair Trek team in Luang Prabang, Laos went to the village Long Lao Mai to show them how to make clay bricks for the ECO Bungalow. We spent the night at the village; for me it was a wonderful and peculiar experience, all in the same time. The first

Charming Champasak

Laos Temple Ruins

Laos may not be a huge country, but its remoteness and rugged terrain mean that different regions, though they may not be all that distant from each other as the crow flies, can have different languages, different customs, and very different atmospheres. There’s a lot of good exploring packed into this one, green, mountainous country.

A Motorbike is the best way…

motorbike tour in laos

  Riding a motorbike in Laos is the best way to explore the true Laos… You’re free to travel at your own pace and speed, you can stop anywhere you like without arriving in a vehicle as big as someone’s house, and in a country like this, with so many remote places to explore, a

Mahout Experience at Elephant Village

An Elephant Adventure in Luang Prabang at the Elephant Village A story from Fair Trek team intern in Luang Prabang, Laos. Last Saturday I went on a tour and my time was mostly spent on an elephant’s back and it was great! The day started with a bumpy, but fun tuk tuk ride to the Elephant

Introducing Hanna – Our new Intern…

Hi my name is Hanna and I am from Sweden.  I am working as an intern at Tiger Trail in their Fair Trek Responsible Tourism Division.  I will be here in Luang Prabang, Laos for three months. During this time I will put up a post once a week where I tell you about different