Category: People

Luang Prabangs Secrets Vol 1, Alms Giving

Laos, Luang Prabang, Dag Bat

Luang Prabang Secrets Vol. 1, Alms Giving When you live and work in a place abroad, like Luang Prabang, you look at your new home with different eyes. You will easily find a different view on daily life and will fell different about what you like and dislike. Living abroad, especially in a place like

Life in a Hmong Village

Laos, Hmong

In many ways, Laos is one of the most diverse countries in the world. There are three major ethnic minority groups in Laos: The Lao Lum, The Khmu and the Hmong. The history of the Hmong people is hardly researched. Most scientists believe the Hmong people used to migrate from the steppes of Mongolia across

Momobooks, Books for Laos

momobooks, books for Laos, Lao Education

  Books for Laos, Momobooks Helping improve the quality of education in Laos, DONORS WANTED   Hello, my name is Martin, and I first came to Laos in 1999 and was instantly charmed by the country. Everywhere I went, I met young people who were so eager to learn. Looking back, things haven’t changed that much.

My first week in Luang Prabang

Laos, Luang Prabang, Boat Cruise

Internship in Laos, Luang Prabang   After a long night and tiring 12 hour bus ride from Vientiane I finally reached Luang Prabang, a charming small city nestled between the Nam Khan and Mekong River. As I got off the bus in Luang Prabang, dark clouds and a bit of rain were my first welcome

Home Stay Experience

home stay, Laos

Laos Home Stay Experience in a Lao Hmong Village   I work as an intern on a Community Based Tourism (CBT) project for Tiger Trail Fair Trek. Tourism benefiting communities translates into an alternative way of tourism through cooperation with the locals. This is one of the definitions I found: “CBT is tourism that takes

Volunteer in Laos…makes a change

CBT, home stay Laos

  Volunteer in Laos Explore Laos in depth   Volunteering in Laos is something you will probably never forget! Our visitors in Laos who engage in community projects take home more then a diary full of memories, or pictures…for most of our students and senior volunteers it becomes a life changing experience that inspires them

Awk Phansaw Festival, it’s like Christmas and the America’s Cup all in one

Lao Awk Phansaw Festival The Full Moon Festival of Lights   Thousand lights, merit making, boat race, decorated temples, banana-leaf boats – see Laos changed! Also known as Ok Watsa (Awk Watsa), this festival celebrates the end of the Buddhist Lent (Vassa). Lent lasts three month during rainy season. Monks focus on meditation, reviving their

Grand Opening: Public Pool Luang Prabang

Pistoche swimming pool Luang Prabang, Laos

Luang Prabang Pool Time Luang Prabang is truly a chilled out town and some have called Luang Prabang the most laid back place in Asia after all. But where to take a swim in the pool?   Still Luang Prabang is in a subtropical region and since there is no ocean close by the best

Volunteer in Laos, Kajsiab Project

Kajsiab Laos Project, Explore Laos

Volunteer in Laos Leave More Than Just Footprints Volunteer in Laos at Daauw Home, Kajsiab Project, Hauy Xai, North Laos Early in the year of 2004 Nzoua Vue’s family was beset by tragedy. His beloved sister, Kajsiab, died a preventable death due a minor infection and inadequate health care. She was thirteen years old. Sadly,

Fair Trek Training

fair trek team, tiger trail, training

  Fair Trek Project: TRAINING in Luang Prabang Community-based tourism projects in Laos, and for the world… FairTrek is an innovative tourism project that aims to assist in the development of communities in need. Adventure is the heart of our activities, yet fairness is the key of our vision. Working with communities, local partners, NGO’s and

Lao OLYMPIC flag coming to Luang Prabang

LAO OLYMPIC FLAG IS COMING HOME! LEOT project Luang Prabang acquired the Olympic flag   The Lao national flag which was recently carried before Lao’s top athletes at the Opening and Closing Ceremonies in the recent London Olympics has been acquired by the newly opened LEOT English Learning Centre (LELC) in Luang Prabang.   The

Ride for a good cause – Motorcycles in Laos

Laos motorbike adventure

Motorcycling in Laos, for a good cause!   Riding Laos on a motorcycling holiday last year was a real eye opener for me. The scenery is nothing short of stunning the trails are hidden and follow through rugged mountains forever. We were humbled by what we saw, the people, poor as they are, are warm

Veterinary Elephant Adventures

A Lao Elephant Adventure in HongSa Cast of Characters: betadine, gauze, hope, trust, a bicycle, a scalpel, a very deep hole, and an elephant. The rainy season has made lots of the roads in Northern Laos nearly impassible. Petra and Marlies could have taken a boat up the Mekong to Luang Prabang, but they wanted