Tag: Laos

Tag: Laos

Mahout Experience at Elephant Village

An Elephant Adventure in Luang Prabang at the Elephant Village A story from Fair Trek team intern in Luang Prabang, Laos. Last Saturday I went on a tour and my time was mostly spent on an elephant’s back and it was great! The day started with a bumpy, but fun tuk tuk ride to the Elephant

Introducing Hanna – Our new Intern…

Hi my name is Hanna and I am from Sweden.  I am working as an intern at Tiger Trail in their Fair Trek Responsible Tourism Division.  I will be here in Luang Prabang, Laos for three months. During this time I will put up a post once a week where I tell you about different


Local tour company, Tiger Trail Travel promotes sustainable building by making a reality the first clay school in a remote village in Laos 18 June 2012, Luang Prabang, Laos.  With the help of hundreds of hands and a lot of donations, Tiger Trail Outdoor Adventures & their Fair Trek team successfully built a clay school in

Elephant Festival

The Elephant Festival in Laos is held in the north once a year.  This year it was in Sayaboury Jerseys a playoffs town several hours southwest of Luang Prabang.  Many people in town set out to see the Elephants and enjoy the festival.  Tiger Trail made an event of it as well offering transport and accommodation