Bangkok to Vientiane by night train

Why is the sleeper train to Laos on of the best options to come to Laos in a relaxed way?

There are several ways to get from Bangkok to the Lao capital. I found the overnight sleeper train from Bangkok to Laos the most reasonable option, one filled with memorable experiences. 

Night Train Bangkok to Laos and Vientiane Why did I like to travel by train?

The Night train from Bangkok to Laos is cheaper than flying!
A lot cheaper, actually. The cheap airlines like Air Asia have received a lot of attention, but still the train is a better deal we believe. After all, this is REAL travel, and not just hopping on a plane and leaving it another place… For the night train you pay around 800++ Thai Baht, depending on your seat and where you booked the train trip to Laos

The Night Train to Laos is more convenient than a crowded bus.
Bus will be a little cheaper but it’s a lot more exhausting. In a train you can walk up and down, the bathrooms are so much cleaner and actually pretty nice. And I personally find going by train smoother than by bus.

You save the money for a hotel.
As the train leaveTrain to Laos - Night Train to Vientiane s at night and you get to sleep in a real bed and not just on your seat you get a pretty good night sleep and save one more night in any hotel in Bangkok.

Last but not least.
It’s a nice way to meet other travels heading to Laos at the same train!


Also check out our other posts to get more information about how to actually do it. And if you are interested in taking a guided tour through Laos, here is where you like to find them.